Friday, September 7, 2012

Sweet Words

It's morning time in the Guerrero household, and as part of my morning routine, I get on Facebook and see what's going on. Well I came across a poem that one of the other HD moms ( as I call them) had posted, and it was so sweet, that I HAVE to share it.
As much as we have been through with Mateo, the tears of joy, the tears of fear, the stressfull tears, the surgeries, the hospital stays, the at home procedures, etc. I would NOT trade him for the world. I love my son with all of my heart and soul, and NOTHING will ever change that. This poem struck home for me, so I would like to share it here on his blog.


If before you were born, I could have gone to heaven and saw all the beautiful souls, I still would have chosen you.

If God had told me, "This soul would one day need extra care and needs", I still would have chosen you.

If He had told me, "This soul may make your heart bleed",
I still would have chosen you.

If He had told me, "This soul would make you question the depth of your faith", I still would have chosen you.

If He had told me, "This soul would make tears flow from your eyes that could fill a river", I still would have chosen you.

If He had told me, "This soul may one day make you witness overbearing suffering", I still would have chosen you.

If He had told me, "All that you know to be normal would drastically change", I still would have chosen you.

Of course, even though I would have chosen you, I know it was God who chose me for you

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